

威尼斯注册送38元 - 2020年6月12日


亚当Kurszewski | Waupaca铸造

Solex铸造砂调理案例研究- Solex



In various regions of the United States there are swings in seasonal temperatures that can cause 70‐degree Fahrenheit changes to core sand temperature in foundries. 岩心过程中砂的温度控制是一个挑战. The problem is further magnified when the sand delivery system is running intermittently or disruptions occur in the foundry process that results in the over‐cooling or over‐heating of sand. 如果没有这种控制,可能会导致生产率下降,芯报废和铸件报废和返工. There is no doubt that these temperature variations cause inefficiencies in the core making process and reduces the core quality impacting the bottom‐line profitability of the foundry operations.

The integration of Solex heat exchanger technology helps foundries ensure the sand is delivered at an accurate and consistent temperature. The indirect heat exchanger is essentially a temperature controlled sand conditioning system ensuring core sand temperature can be controlled (even with ambient temperature fluctuations) within 1‐degree F. This drastically improves on many current conditioning technologies where sand temperatures that may vary by as much as 20 degrees F.

The Solex advanced heat exchanger design keeps the working fluid separate from the sand and conducts the heat indirectly through the sand bed. 这使得砂的混合温度非常精确和一致. 除了, 即使砂容量是间歇性的,也能保持这个温度, 连续运行或长时间停止运行的.

它在运行中消耗较少的能量,因为它是一个重力馈电, 垂直柱式换热器,物料以均匀质量流过一排中空钢板. 钢板完全焊接,确保传热流体(HTF)与沙子分开. HTF和产品流动是逆流的,以获得更高的热效率. A vibratory feeder or mass flow cone feeder ensures the sand flows with a uniform velocity and residence time through the heat exchanger. 喂料器也可以提供精确的速度或批量控制. 图1显示了间接板式换热器的设计.



进一步验证了系统的性能, Solex提供闭环加热/冷却流体温度模块(FM). 在寒冷的月份,当芯砂低于理想的工艺温度, FM在闭环中加热水,当沙子高于理想温度时,它会冷却水. 图2显示了流程设计.



在核心过程中, 沙子与少量的成分混合,包括化学粘合剂, catalyst, 并在高速混合器中干燥添加剂. 当原料从搅拌器排出到砂斗时,开始化学反应硬化过程. An important step in this process is to maintain consistent temperature of the sand before it is blended with the ingredients. 如果沙子太热或太冷,则需要调整添加的成分的量, 哪些因素会导致铸件质量不一致, 以及原材料的浪费.

An added advantage of the indirect plate heat exchanger design is that it will maintain consistent sand temperature even when the casting process is interrupted or shut down. 一些铸造厂可能在周末关闭. With the Solex system the TCM can maintain the sand temperature during the shutdown period and the process can restart without delay or casting quality issues caused by inconsistent sand temperatures.

Existing shell and tube technology struggle with providing even and consistent temperature as it is a challenge to get even flow‐through.

在砂型铸造厂, 保持AFS - GFN(美国铸造协会晶粒细度数值)的一致性至关重要。. 流化加热器可以改变型砂在入模前的AFS GFN. 在设计设备时需要非常小心,以防止和消除砂离析. Indirect plate heat exchange technology offers this advantage since there is neither abrasion nor segregation occurring within the equipment.

砂是一种磨料产品,因此对工艺设备的磨损一直是人们关注的问题. The Solex indirect plate heat exchanger equipment is designed to form a pile of material above the leading edge of the plates. 这确保了产品和板之间没有碰撞. 然后沙床可以慢慢流过板块,减少磨损的机会. 除了, 对于每天经历几个填充/清空循环的进程, 板盖可以用来保护板的前缘.

维护几乎为零,没有运动部件,低能量输入,因此没有易损件更换. The HTF cooling water is enclosed by the plates and kept fully separate from the ambient air and core production sand product. 这实际上消除了任何可能干扰有效和可靠操作的材料堆积. 也消除了水污染和下游排水和管道堵塞.

该系统使用水间接作为传热介质,保持最高的可获得效率. 流化床需要鼓风机、管道和清洁设备.

Solex热交换器具有紧凑的设计和占地面积,易于访问热交换板, 没有活动部件或安全夹点. 图3显示了Solex热交换器在砂处理过程中的定位示例.





除了稳定的温度控制外,金属脚轮还面临其他挑战, 我们已经讨论过了吗. 其他值得注意的挑战是低效的粘合剂使用和二氧化硅粉尘.

精确的砂温控制对粘结剂优化至关重要. 缺乏精确的砂温控制导致过度使用昂贵的粘结剂来补偿. 这是处理制芯步骤防砂问题的一种成本高且效率低的方法.

The current use of fluid bed technology for sand temperature control introduces direct contact between the air heat transfer fluid and the sand product. 这种高能量, blowing air results in silica dusting that contributes to safety risks to personnel from the exposure of respirable crystalline silica. 间接热交换技术降低了矽肺病的风险,因为砂易失性二氧化硅的温和处理. 二氧化硅粉尘减少,最终有助于更安全和更健康的工作环境.


Solex热交换器被证明是一个很好的增值系统. 根据威尼斯注册送38元助理生产经理-制芯, 亚当Kurszewski, 这些系统不需要维护. 铸造厂也可以通过减少芯的报废和芯的返工来实现质量的提高和成本的降低. 通过优化使用粘合剂,也减少了铸件的废料和残余物.

由于Solex砂调节器安装完成, 沃帕卡将模芯废品率降低了33%,添加剂成本降低了10%.

Tom Wolfgram from MT Systems / Novis Works had the following to say about the Solex Heat Exchanger technology: “Solex has revolutionized sand control for core making”.

Today, 威尼斯注册送38元是世界上仅有的几个使用间接板式换热器技术的铸造厂之一. Waupaca铸造寻求了一种创新的解决方案,以克服持续的砂冷却挑战. They are at the forefront of core sand quality through temperature control and are reaping the benefits of exploratory efforts with Solex.


Most sand conditioner projects are upgrades to existing systems and these system retrofits bring on unique challenges to the ease of installation that require flexible designs. 由于Solex热交换器是重力供给的, 沙子通过进料斗中的管道开口从顶部进入装置. 沙子通过加压空气输送到热交换器上方的接收料斗,热交换器为Solex进口料斗提供原料. Sufficient capacity is required before the heat exchanger plates to keep a constant feed of sand to the heat exchanger in the event of a supply disruption. 这种能力通常设计为15到30分钟的供应,这取决于铸造工厂的运营策略. Solex设计了几种进料漏斗,可提供空气或桶式进料, 限制高度, 进气能力增强,无需单独的接收料斗.

热交换器外壳的安装由热交换器组下方的标准支撑支架提供. Mid‐bank supports for suspending the heat exchanger from a foundry upper floor are now available should this arrangement prove easier.

Sand discharge flow rates are managed by a vibratory feeder controlled by the MT Systems control which meters out sand into the batch weigh hopper before it goes to the mixer. 如果对系统有意义,也可以使用简单的刀栅给料机.

Fluid supply and control are required to heat or cool the sand depending on the sand target temperature and the variable flow of sand. 流体模块和冷却器和/或锅炉系统的添加取决于可用的设施辅助系统资源. 在沃帕卡的情况下,使用了热水和冷水. System controls to maintain fluid temperatures in heating or cooling modes under all operating conditions are typically integrated into the facility control schemes but separate heat exchanger fluid controls can be provided as an option.

图4 Solex空调安装



The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of 亚当Kurszewski of Waupaca铸造 and Mark Hoffman of MT Systems / Novis Works.


威尼斯注册送38元公司., 北美领先的汽车铸铁件供应商, 商用车辆, 农业, 建设, 工业市场, 生产灰威尼斯注册送38元, 球墨铸铁件, HNM系列高强度球墨铸铁, 以及采用最先进工艺和技术的等温球墨铸铁件. 该制造商还专门从事精密加工和装配. 威尼斯注册送38元总部设在沃帕卡, 在沃帕卡经营着七家铸铁厂, 威斯康辛州, Marinette, 威斯康辛州, Tell City, Indiana, Etowah, Tennessee, 和码, 宾西法尼亚. 该公司在埃芬厄姆经营着两家机械加工和装配厂, Illinois, 和Waupaca, 威斯康辛州. 沃帕卡约有4500名员工. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 gtjqgi.whbimu.com.


MT系统公司. 成立于1985年初,是一家铸造设备公司. 从那时起, the company has experienced steady growth by adding experienced electrical and mechanical engineers and expanding into other industries. We have developed a strong system integration team for your process system needs and expanded our process improvement product offerings to include Engineering Services, 铸造产品, 工业产品, 系统集成和项目管理/交钥匙项目. 在整个成长过程中, 我们的核心经营理念是与客户建立长期的合作关系,为客户提供定制化的服务, 技术水平, 系统设计与设备. Our customer list includes many well‐known companies from various industries who have chosen our products and services on multiple occasions. 我们三次获得通用汽车全球年度供应商奖. MT系统公司总部位于俄亥俄州坎顿市. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.太量系统.com.

关于Solex Thermal Science Inc.

总部位于卡尔加里, AB, Canada, Solex热科学是该领域的全球领导者, 高效率的设计和制造, 间接热交换器. 专营供暖, 散装固体的冷却和干燥, 我们的技术已应用于砂(铸造砂和支撑剂)的加工。, 肥料, sugar, oilseeds, grains, 塑料和许多其他散装固体产品. 使用经过验证的专有热建模软件, 每个热交换器都是定制的,以满足客户独特的热性能要求. 拥有超过25年的经验, 在全球50个国家安装了1000多台热交换器, 我们提供一流的服务,从开始到完成, 在全球提供多种语言的技术和销售支持. 您的创新伙伴,了解更多 www.solexthermal.com.


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